CWDash is the Simple and Light Dashboard for ConnectWise. CWDash is now more than 5 years old with over 9,000 seats. The newest version has alot of great new features, here is a deep dive.
New Panel “Delinquent Tickets by Company”
Have you ever wondered if you have tickets that have not been updated for two days? This panel will display all tickets that are Delinquent, that is tickets that are not closed and have not been updated for two days.
Rolling Dates
Have you ever selected “Current Week” (or another pre-selected date) for a date range and want the system to auto-update to the current week, even the week after? Now, there is a “Rolling” option that will do just that.
Widget Magnify
After you create a widget, in 4 simple steps, do you want it larger? Now right click on the widget.
New Database Connector
We have completely revamped out ConnectWise database connector. The steps have been reduced and the process has become more “intelligent”.
Lots of minor updates
- Child tickets display updates
- Tilde in member name issues
- ConnectWise Cloud connection issues
- Client summary step 3 send to excel issue
Have you upgraded the newest version of CWDash? Simply click the “Update” button.
Do you have any ideas for new features? Click the “Idea” button in CWDash and let us know.
Are you going to IT Nation in November? Let us know, we can meet for a drink.